Monday, December 30, 2019
Foreign Direct Investment Fdi Policy - 877 Words
Foreign direct investment (â€Å"FDI†) in India is regulated under the Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999 (â€Å"FEMA†). The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (â€Å"DIPP†), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India makes policy pronouncements on FDI through Press Notes and Press Releases which are notified by the Reserve Bank of India (â€Å"RBI†) as amendments to Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by Persons Resident Outside India) Regulations, 2000. The consolidated FDI policy issued by the DIPP (â€Å"FDI Policy†) lays down two entry routes for investment: †¢ Automatic Route where foreign investments do not require prior approval of the government and †¢ Government / Approval Route where prior approval of the†¦show more content†¦In this case the online platform’s clients are various sellers who own the inventory of goods and advertise their goods on the online platform. The ultimate sale of the goods is completed between the third party seller and the end consumer. There are other innovative models which are being adopted to bring in investments into companies engaged in e-commerce or companies which directly or indirectly collaborate with e-commerce businesses such as 1. Investing into companies which are engaged into wholesale trading which owns inventory and maintains online b2b platform. 2. Investing into companies providing technology services (where 100% FDI is allowed under the automatic route) which provide technology related services on an arm’s length basis to e-commerce platforms. While considering any such models, it is important to be in compliance with the FDI Policy. Other conditions 1.) The digital and electronic network will include television channels, computers and other internet application based networks used in automated manner such as webpages, extranets, mobile phones, etc. 2.) Market place e-commerce entity can have transactions with sellers registered on its platform on B2B basis. 3.) E-commerce may provide support services to sellers in respect of warehousing, logistics, order fulfillment, call centre, payment collection and other services. 4.) E-commerce entity will not exerciseShow MoreRelatedResearch On The Determinants Of Economic Growth Is A Common1438 Words  | 6 Pagesdeterminants of economic growth is a common focus area in the economics – both because economic growth is an excellent indicator of well-being and the policy-makers want to know what fact2ors can affect this well-being. Previous literature has identified many factors which contribute to the well-being of a country and among these factors; Foreign Direct Investment is persistently seen. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Effects Of Divorce On The Workplace - 881 Words
High school sweethearts are meant to be joined for a lifetime. Their obstacles and fun times they have had, from first meeting, then home-coming dates, and finally prom. The thought of one day marrying that person brings chills upon them. At the end of senior year, both part ways with emotional good-byes, too soon to be reunited and then finally marriage. This reunion seemed to be a honorable and special moment, and at the time right. Two people sharing a passion and respect for each other could never be broken in a perfect union. Some causes of divorce may include different values, finances, infidelity, young age, and unhappiness. From being happy on top of the world, to exposing someone, divorce can really torment a family. When divorce is explained to a child, parents go about it in a round about way. Parents try to sugar coat the actual meaning of divorce, speaking as if the divorce was not happening. If parents takes time to tell the child about the divorce there should be honesty and straight forwardness. For instance; a mother is trying to explain divorce to a six year old. She begins with the â€Å" honey Mommy and Daddy love you very much†then â€Å" daddy and mommy are very busy with our jobs and we will not be around each other for a while, we both still love you, honey†. That is not really telling the child that their not going to be together anymore. It is more so giving the child false hope. Some causes of divorces are different values,Show MoreRelatedEffects Of Divorce On The Workplace1779 Words  | 8 PagesHannah Boyd Professor Magrans English 1010 31 October 2107 Effects of Divorce On average in America 45 percent of marriages end in divorce. Divorce does not only affect the parties involved; it also affects the children involved. In America, 40 percent of children will see and experience divorce first hand alongside of their parents. 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These are the people that a n individual shares memories ofRead MoreEssay on The Divorce Rate and Women in the Workplace1723 Words  | 7 PagesThe Divorce Rate and Women in the Workplace Marriage Most ancient societies needed a source environment for the upholding of the species and a system of rules to handle the granting of property rights. The institution of marriage handled both of these needs. Some varieties of marriage are Polygamy- one man, several wives or one woman, several husbands. Polygyny- one man, several wives. Polyandry- one woman, several husbands. Endogamy- requirement to marry someone who belongs to his or herRead MoreChanging Family Patterns And Family Life Essay1502 Words  | 7 Pagesthose married, related by blood, or adopted, but also by a union that has nothing to do with love, but a shared value in economic safety. Another drastic change that came to the definition of family, was the social acceptation of women in the workplace. In Gerson and Torres’ Changing Patterns and Family Life, they state that, â€Å"The last three decades of the 20th century witnessed interrelated worldwide trends -- including rapid rises in women’s employment, marital separation, cohabitation, delayedRead MoreAmerican Culture : The People s Way Of Life Essay1747 Words  | 7 Pagescontinues to ignore issues and problems about morality and ethics of their culture. There are several issues which focus on morality and ethics that affect the American culture. They include rampant divorce rates, segregation and discrimination based on one’s race and the unethical behaviors witnessed at workplaces. The first among the issues in the American culture is segregation and racism. This is true with the American culture wars, in which leaders like Martin Luther King Junior fought for what theyRead MoreThe Dissimilarity Between Working Mother And Stay Home Mother1487 Words  | 6 Pagessource of income for making money. Most of the kids growing up during this time period ensured to consume a strong family background because the marriage was everlasting one. Back in the day, the maximum of divorce rates was very low compared to a present day, as of now, but how is that the divorce rates are high in the present today? That is because of the authorization in the 19th Amendment which were giving women right to vote, as they became more self-governing (Harris). Women did not just wantRead MoreThe First Wave Of Feminism1230 Words  | 5 PagesThis may seem conflicting with the whole baby boom phenomenon, and although the boom of children born after World War II did occur, the divorces still occurred after the rush of a rash marriage had passed and women’s husbands had returned from war alive. An important component of the historical timeline is the change in the role of women in society. Women had experienced change during the first wave of feminism and gained suffrage, but during the second wave feminism women experienced a change thatRead MoreFeminism : Women And Women1316 Words  | 6 Pageshad no legal right or control of their husband’s property or income. Divorce was not as easy to attain during this time as it is today. In order to get divorced, women had to prove that their husband did something wrong. The second-wave of feminism began in the 1960s. This movement had a variety of issues that it focuse d on such as family, sexuality, reproductive rights, domestic violence, marital rape, and custody and divorce laws. A contraceptive pill was made available in 1960 which allowed womenRead MoreCause And Effects Of Stress1349 Words  | 6 Pages Causes and Effects of Stress According to HeartMath LLC,â€Å"Stress is the basic cause of 60% of all human illness and disease†. Stress is a huge problem in the world today and effects many people. Everyone has different stress triggers. For example, work, school, and children are all parts of life that many people struggle with and cause them to go into overload. Stress take a toll on many people s bodies and can cause serious problems like high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and heart diseaseRead MoreAn Analysis Of Henrik Ibsen s A Doll House1460 Words  | 6 Pagesignorance of the female biology due to its own belief which only benefits the male side. Moreover, the perceived notions men are raised with can have a negative effect on marriages. Developmental Psychologists Judith L. Newman, Laura R. Roberts and Christine R. Syre elaborate in their research â€Å"Concepts of Family Among Children and Adolescents: Effect of Cognitive level, Gender, and Family Structure†they explains how men attain preconceived notions through their family strictures and parents relationship
Saturday, December 14, 2019
‘Up’ The Movie Free Essays
Up is a movie directed by Pete Docter and produced by Pixar Animation Studios. Its lead actors are; Edward Asner, Christopher Plummer and Jordan Nagai. Up is an animation, adventure, comedy, drama and family movie which was released on the 3rd of September 2009 in Australia. We will write a custom essay sample on ‘Up’ The Movie or any similar topic only for you Order Now This film struck me for its stunning and beautiful images. No doubt we face one of those movies that are meant to be enjoyed by children and their parents at the same time. The story tells about an elderly widower, grumpy, stubborn dreamer, Carl, who decides to realize his childhood dream, a dream that once shared with his late and beloved wife to travel to Paradise Falls in South America. When her beloved little house is turned into an island surrounded by skyscrapers and he is pressured by real estate deals, and authorities want to send him to a nursing home, Carl decides to escape by tying thousands of balloons to his home with a rudimentary but ingenious navigation system. The first surprise of the trip is to discover that carrying a stowaway, Russell, a nice boy scout who became his travelling partner. The story is fast-paced, with moments of humour, suspense and overall sleek and stunning animated images. The actors did a very good roll making the voices for every character and they made us believe and feel what the story was about, they made us feel sad and happy at the same time. I must confess that the first minutes of the film are very depressing. The first minutes are a stark summary of Carl’s life. We see it in his childhood, when he was just a child, the stage where he meets another girl who would become his future wife. We quickly turned into young love, marriage, happy moments, sad moments, diseases and Carl burying his beloved wife which is truly shocking and hard. Music plays a very important roll in this part of the movie because no one talks and the music does everything, they try to make you feel happy and sad just with the music and it is very effective. It is a very good movie that everyone would enjoy and it is very well produced too. I think it is suitable for children and adults who want to spend an entertaining time. How to cite ‘Up’ The Movie, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Essay on Drugs Moral Guidance Key to Eradicating Teen Drug Abuse dr Essay Example For Students
Essay on Drugs Moral Guidance Key to Eradicating Teen Drug Abuse dr Essay Essay on Drugs Moral Guidance Key to Eradicating Teen Drug Abuse drugs argumentative persuasive Moral Guidance Key to Eradicating Teen Drug Abuse. The Just dont do it slogan from Bob Doles anti-drug campaign may, upon a cursory evaluation, appear to be an inefficient way of confronting the growing problem of national drug abuse. After all, it is hardly reasonable to believe that a potential drug user will specifically consider these words before deciding whether or not to get high. However, this slogan, and the man that stands behind it, represent a sorely needed, value-oriented stance on the issue that has been lacking in the Clinton administration. The presidents cavalier attitude has been responsible for a dramatic increase in drug abuse among teenagers. While Clintons baby boomer generation has dismissed aggressive anti-drug campaigns as ineffectual, the truth is that tough approaches to the problem have proven to be very successful. The Nixon, Reagan and Bush administrations are direct examples of this. When Richard Nixon began his first term, use of marijuana and heroin had reached an all-time high. In response, he vowed to wage a national attack on narcotics abuse which involved reducing the flow of drugs into the country while stepping up drug treatment programs. Nixon began his work by arranging for the extradition of noted heroin chemists, and sent ambassadors to negotiate narcotics agreements with foreign countries. Turkey, which provided about 80 percent of the U. S. heroin supply promised a complete cessation of its production in exchange for $35.7 million in aid. On the national level, the Nixon administration further proved its dedication to the cause by legalizing the use of drugs to combat addiction and by encouraging anti-drug commercials and television programs. Although many were doubtful that these measures would have any impact, they did help to dramatically curtail drug abuse. In 1975, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) announced that while the purity of heroin had declined, the street price was four times greater. The result was a marked decline in heroin abuse. Unfortunately, the Carter administration failed to continue the vigorous anti-drug campaign. In fact, President Carter at one time advocated that marijuana possession be legalized. It is little wonder that, in the absence of strong moral leadership, by 1979 half of all teenagers were experimenting with the drug. Fortunately, Reagan was elected at this crucial time, and was succeeded by George Bush, who both strongly supported drug interdiction. Between the years of 1979 and 1992, teenage drug abuse was reduced by one-half. The fluctuation of drug abuse statistics in accordance with changing political leadership is not coincidental. It is a direct reflection of the importance of presidential guidance on this issue. The Republican presidents that took an aggressive anti-drug stance helped to drastically ameliorate the problem of addiction. Under their leadership, societal attitudes towards drug use changed. The belief that taking drugs was morally incorrect became more widespread. Most importantly, they proved that the war on drugs is not a losing battle. Parents, educators and law enforcement officials do not have to accept drug abuse as a growing and irreversible trend. Sadly, the Clinton administration appears to be espousing Carters apathetic stance on the issue. For the first part of his term he appointed a surgeon general who voiced support of drug legalization, and reduced the amount of resources available to the White House drug office. Evidence has emerged indicated that members of his own staff have taken drugs, and it is no secret that they have been subject to regular drug testing. .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24 , .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24 .postImageUrl , .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24 , .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24:hover , .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24:visited , .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24:active { border:0!important; } .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24:active , .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24 .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufb65c929651a477ea489016d5e494b24:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Cheating EssayMost dismaying is that instead of denouncing his attempt to experiment with marijuana, President Clinton has made light of the subject, cavalierly joking about it on Music Television. If the President of the United States does not vehemently condemn the action of taking drugs, how can society expect todays youth to attach any stigmatization or sense of shame to drug abuse? In the wake of this record, it is not surprising that the use of heroin among teens has more than doubled in the last year. Last month 32 out of 4,500 teenagers surveyed admitted to using the substance in .
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