Thursday, January 16, 2020
Stroke Epidemiology In Southwestern Iran Health And Social Care Essay
Introduction:Harmonizing to the World Health Organization definition, shot is the rapid patterned advance of marks and symptoms caused by bound or widespread break of encephalon map which has vascular beginning and takes more than 24 hours ( 1, 2 ) . Stroke can be by and large divided into two classs: Ischemic and hemorrhagic ( 1 ) . The disease is the 2nd prima cause of decease in the universe and considered as the 3rd in the United States and other industrialised states ( 3-8 ) . 55 million deceases occur each twelvemonth in the universe where 10 % of them are due to stroke ( 9 ) . In the United States about 780,000 shots occur each twelvemonth ( one every 40 seconds ) while 87 % is ischaemic and 13 % is haemorrhagic type. Annual mortality of the disease in this state is 150,000 people ( one out of every 4-3 proceedingss ) so it is estimated that one out of every 16 Americans die due to stroke ( 9 ) . In aˆâ€ ¹aˆâ€ ¹the Middle East and North Africa deceases happening within 28 yearss of the morbid varies from 10 % in Kuwait to 31/5 % in Iran ( 4 ) . This disease, which two-thirds of all instances of it occurs in developing states, although preventable but is increasing ( 12, 13 ) . Prognosiss suggest that by 2030 deceases from shot will duplicate in the Middle East and North Africa ( 4 ) . Increasing age is such major hazard factor for the disease that after age 55, the hazard of shot doubles every 10 old ages ( 7 ) . High blood force per unit area as the most common preventable causes of the disease is an other hazard factor ( 11 ) . Other hazard factors include: diabetes, smoke, fleshiness, deficiency of exercising, eating a diet high in cholesterin and salt, intoxicant, atrial fibrillation, and household history of OCP usage ( 7, 11, 14, 15 ) . In add-on gender is deciding factor in this disease ; In general shot is more likely to happen in work forces However, du e to the longer life anticipation of adult females on one manus and the high incidence of shot in older ages in the other manus, the figure of instances in adult females is more than in work forces ( 16 ) . Another note is that shot as the most of import factor for physical disablement in the universe, is one of the chief factors need long-run infirmary attention which led to a important addition in the cost of intervention ( 7, 8 ) . In general, the direct and indirect costs ( including old ages of lost benefits ) related to the disease in the United States is about 5.65 billion yearly ( 17 ) . Consequences from few surveies in Iran shows incidence of shot about 43 instances per 100,000 people that 67 % is ischaemic and 23 % is haemorrhagic type ( 18, 19 ) . The most common hazard factor which has been achieved is high blood force per unit area with prevalence about 54 % ( 18, 19 ) . Incidence of shot was somewhat higher in adult females in all age classs ( 51-53 % ) However, in the age group 45-15 old ages occurs more in work forces ; while the mean age of incidence is in the 7th decennary of life. Death within 28 yearss of shot in a survey was 19.2 % , and in another 1 was 31.5 % ( 18 ) . Another survey refers to the unknown state of affairs of this disease in the Middle East and mismatch with informations in Western states ( 1 ) that one time once more makes clear the demand for more surveies in this respect. The lone survey conducted in Shiraz investigates early encephalon bleeding due to high blood force per unit area in patients referred to Shiraz University of Medical Sciences infirmaries during 2002-2004 ( 20 ) . Sing the preventable nature of the disease, it is necessary to make more surveies to find hazard factors and implicit in causes in a peculiar population in order to Sketch and be after for the bar of it ( 18 ) . Sing that no epidemiological survey have been conducted to clear up assorted facets of shot in Shiraz since earlier, this survey was conducted in Shiraz Namazee learning Hospital as a referral centre for shot patients in Fars state and southwesterly Iran to obtain general information about the position of the disease in this part.Material and Method:We conducted this hospital-based survey between August 2010 and January 2011 in Shiraz Namazee learning infirmary. This infirmary is one of the chief referral centres for neurological diseases in southwesterly Iran and affiliated with the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. As this survey was a cross-sectional one, all patients admitted in exigency and neurology ward with diagnosing of shot based on their clinical manifestations and imaging ( MRI or CT scan ) during this period were included. Patients with transeunt ischaemic onslaught and those who released by themselves during hospital coarse were excluded. Three medica l pupils with supervising and part of one neurology occupant completed the informations assemblage sheet by reading patient paperss during and after study period. It contains the most of import informations about these patients including age, sex, type of shot, drug history, hazard factors, degree of consciousness, neurologic marks, continuance of hospitalization, result and prescribed medicines after discharge. We analyzed our informations with SPSS version 16 and considered P-Value less than 0.05 important.Consequences:305 CVA patients were investigated that 269 ( 88.2 % ) had ischaemic and 36 ( 11.8 % ) had hemorrhagic shot. 64 ( 21 % ) had recurrent stroke while others experienced their first of all time shot. 133 ( 43.6 % ) adult male and 172 ( 56.4 % ) adult female between 27- 97 old ages old ( mean:68.33 ±12.99 ) were classified to six age groups that most of them were between 61-80 old ages old, although informations analysis did n't uncover important difference between mortality rates ( Table 1 ) . Average age of ischaemic shot was 68.6 ±13.1 and hemorrhagic was 66.2 ±12.1. 15.1 % of all patients expired during their hospital coarse while 11.4 % of ischaemic and 40.6 % of haemorrhagic shots lead to decease ( OR:5.34, 95 % C.I. :2.35-12.11 ) . Most common hazard factors among all patients were high blood pressure and ischaemic bosom disease ( figure 1 ) . Hyperlipidemia, ischaemic bosom disease and diabetes had important different prevalence between age groups in a manner that their most prevalence were between 41-50, above 60 and between 41-60 old ages old, severally ( figure 2 ) . In another categorization we categorized the patients into two groups: under and above 45 old ages old. 5 % were under 45 and 95 % were above 45 old ages old. CVA type and mortality rate was non significantly different between these two groups. Most common neurologic marks of patients were right side failing, left side failing and dysarthria ( figure 3 ) . In facet of degree of consciousness, 6.3 % were comatose, 7.2 % Stuporous, 22 % confused and 64.5 % were witting that 78.6 % , 31.3 % , 16.3 % and 5.6 % of them expired during their hospital coarse severally ( figure 4 ) . Mean systolic blood force per unit area in dismissed patients was 148.2mmHg and in expired patients was 144.7mmHg. Besides mean diastolic blood force per unit area in dismissed and expired patients was 84.5mmHg and 86.6mmHg severally. Mean systolic blood force per unit area in ischaemic shots was 145mmHg and in haemorrhagic shots was 160mmHg ( P=0.006 ) . Besides mean diastolic blood force per unit area in ischaemic shots and haemorrhagic 1s was 83mmHg and 90mmHg severally ( P=0.013 ) . Most common drugs used among patients was antihypertensive drugs ( 43.3 % ) and acetylsalicylic acid ( 26.9 % ) . Statins ( 32.7 % ) and acetylsalicylic acid ( 31.6 % ) were most common drugs prescribed for ischaemic patients who were discharged. Median yearss of hospitalization for both types of shot and both discharged and expired patients was 2.
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