Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Slavery During The American Colonies Essay - 1537 Words
Slavery in the American colonies had greatly shaped the nation as we know it to be today. After the discovery of the New World, Spanish conquerors intended to enslave Native Americans, but punishment, overwork, and diseases such as small pox and malaria decreased their population rapidly. The only solution was to kidnap African Americans from their homeland and transport them on ships under poor, unsanitary conditions, many of which died of yellow fever, dysentery, or suicide. Upon arrival, they were fed and oiled to make them more physically attractive so they can be purchased by wealthy landowners who forced them into labor. Here, plantation owners assigned task for each individual slave, working long hours in the field harvesting crops. At first, these African Americans held the status of indentured servitude, but as the demand for labor grew increasingly, treatment became much harsher. Additionally, African Americans were outnumbering plantation owners, and as a result, the y were stripped of their freedom in fear of revolts. Although slaves have little to no rights, they played an important role in developing the economy despite experiencing racial discrimination. Slavery in the American colonies heavily impacted the successful American economy. When Spanish conquistadors arrived and settled the vast new land, they did not intend to do any work themselves so the solution was to import slaves from Africa. And so, in the 1500s, â€Å"slave trading would proveShow MoreRelatedThe American Revolution And Its Effect On American History1537 Words  | 7 PagesThe American Revolution began in 1775. Due to the Revolution 1775 proved to be one of the most productive years in American history. The American Revolution caused great changes in the original thirteen colonies that helped mold the United States into what it is today. 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