Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Transport Disagreement Essay Example
Transport Disagreement Essay A difference occurred between the gatherings (for example the year 13 business group and European Study Tours). The agreement guaranteed that there would be a mentor at the removal for the individuals who went on the Prague trip. Anyway in the latest possible time, it was discovered that the mentor was not at the removal for those on the Prague trip, and if it somehow happened to be taken it must be paid for.The terms and states of the European Study Tours organization for grievances and issues ( states that: For all objections and cases which don't include demise, individual injury or disease, we lament we can't acknowledge risk in the event that you neglect to advise us of the grumbling or guarantee totally as per this provision. On the off chance that you neglect to follow this basic objections strategy, youre option to guarantee the remuneration you may some way or another have been qualified for might be influenced or even lost as a result.As an outcome, Miss Carter called the crisis contact of European Study Tours Will, the administrator, and clarified that she was unsatisfied with the manner in which they took care of things. So as a methods for critical thinking, a portion of the possibility cash raised from the gathering pledges occasions sack pressing and the cake slow down, was utilized to pay for the cable car administration to get to the bowling alley, where following an hour of time was lost to plan for the waterway voyage later in the evening.Norah an operator of Excalibur a visit organization in Prague, may have caused this misconception because of correspondence issues. We will compose a custom exposition test on Transport Disagreement explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Transport Disagreement explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Transport Disagreement explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer She believed that the bottling works business visit would have been in the wake of bowling rather than previously. In this way, she may have imagined that the mentor was not required since the bowling alley was a short stroll from Park Hotel.This is as the bowling community is situated in the old town square in Prague ( just as Park Hotel ( which is a brief stroll from the bowling centre.As an outcome, it was valuable for the year thirteen business group to have marked a composed agreement with European Study Tours to guarantee remuneration for the mentor bother during the outing. Likewise, language obstructions turned into a major issue for the gathering during the Prague trip. A case of this was with year thirteen business understudy Joe Medlin, who requested a pizza at the Park Hotel Pizzeria in Prague and got an inappropriate one, making the gathering late. This additionally exhibits how language obstructions created to turn into a major issue for the group.FlightsThe simple fly trip to Prague was set to take off from London Gatwick at 6.25pm GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Nonetheless, this flight was deferred by 60 minutes. For this situation, the gathering head Miss Carter was not in a situation to submit a question to pick up remuneration for the gathering, because of the terms and conditions:The flight timings given on booking and point by point on your affirmation receipt are for general direction just and are liable to change. The most recent timings will be appeared on your tickets or flight affirmation which will be despatched to you roughly fourteen days before takeoff. You should in like manner check your tickets cautiously quickly on receipt to guarantee you have the right flight times. It is conceivable that flight times might be changed much after tickets have been despatched we will reach you as quickly as time permits if this happens. Accordingly the gathering head was not qualified for guarantee remuneration or help for the gathering after the flight delay happened. This was as the aircraft Easy Jet was giving the air transport and not European Study Tours who just organized it, which is expressed in the terms and conditions for flight delays: We lament we are not in a situation to offer you any help with the occasion of deferral at your outward or toward home purpose of takeoff. Under EU law you have rights in certain conditions to discounts as well as remuneration from your carrier in instances of denied loading up, undoing or deferral to flights. Full subtleties of these rights will be announced at EU air terminals and will likewise be accessible from Airlines. Be that as it may, repayment in such cases is the duty of the carrier and won't naturally qualifies you for a discount of your vacation cost from us. We can't acknowledge obligation for any defer which is because of any of the reasons set out in provision 10(1) of these booking conditions (which incorporates the conduct of any passenger(s) on the flight who, for instance, neglects to check in or load up on schedule).
Saturday, July 11, 2020
SSAT Parents Essay Samples
SSAT Parents Essay SamplesBeing successful on the SSAT is not an easy task and one has to know what to put in his essay as well as where to place the details and what to leave out. To be successful, you have to be focused and do not let anything distract you from your goal. An effective essay has a lot of facts and figures in it so that it can reflect your knowledge in a better way.The main points you need to highlight include your work background, interests, what you can offer to the family, how you fit with them and why you are the best candidate for the job. While writing, ensure you are precise and accurate in every single point and ensure that there is enough space for the other sides of the story.While writing, think about certain things that you want to include in your essay. For example, you may want to give details about your interest or hobbies. This would help you write clearly and concisely. One of the great things about these essays is that they are mostly written on pap er and therefore you can add special effects and polish them up in a professional manner.Make sure that you stick to the main topic of the essay in order to avoid misplacing vital information. There is no doubt that one does not have to be the most brilliant student in the world to succeed in the school entrance exam.There are many parents who are desperate to get their child a good score in the SSAT but they have to know where to start. Though there are numerous SSAT parents essays samples available in the market, they are not exactly how a student should present his questions in an essay. It is important that one should be consistent and seek advice from teachers as well as parents if he wants to come up with something outstanding.In order to understand what to put inhis parents essay samples, you should first have an idea of the kind of student that is aiming for the SSAT. He should have excellent verbal skills, writing skills and analytical skills. The best way to test out this would be to ask some friends who are doing the SSATs.Parents do not have to worry as these SSAT parents essay samples can also be used to write an essay that can be applied to the school entrance examination as well. Although, this would take more time and effort but it will also bring in a significant amount of marks. Such essays are always in demand.Most of the parents are worried about how to get their kids the best essay that can help them score high in the SSATs. You can find all the SSAT parents essay samples online and they are usually in the form of essays and practical tests that will help you score good scores.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Trade Area Analysis - 1660 Words
TRADE AREA ANALYSIS Trade Area Analysis, Development and Mapping Trade area analysis and mapping describe the characteristics of the area around a store or network of stores. Without accurate trade area definitions, you cannot measure the key statistics that impact a stores performance. Use trade area analysis to aid site selection and target marketing. Trade area analysis and mapping tell you: †¢ Where a stores customers are coming from †¢ How many customers you have in a trade area †¢ Where to look for for more customers Benefits of Trade Area Analysis †¢ Identify gaps or overlaps in the market coverage of your existing store network, and make corrections by opening, closing or moving stores †¢ Make better site selection†¦show more content†¦The dots indicate the locations of demographic samples. Red colored dots fall within the 5-mile radius. Note that samples located across the river would be included in the 5-mile demographic summaries for this site. Gravity Models: Gravity models, or spatial interaction models, define a trade area based on its attractiveness relative to other trade areas. These models provide an approximation of store trade area by putting the distribution of all locations (including competitors) into a geographical context and evaluating each locations relative attractiveness. Typically, a distance decay curve is used to model the spatial interaction of individual locations. Often size of the store, or store sales if available, is used to drive the attractiveness parameter. Gravity models are more sophisticated than simple radial approximations, but they still do not account for logistical barriers and they are limited by the availability and accuracy of competitor data. Moreover, gravity models basically are sophisticated algorithms, which may not be appropriate for non-technical analysts. Figure 2a. Gravity based patronage probability model showing the theoretical store trade area. The blue – green – yellow – red progression represents zones of increasing patronage probability. Figure 2b. Gravity based patronage probability model showing the locations of demographic sample sites. Blue colored dots fall within the patronage probability zones. Green colored dots indicateShow MoreRelatedAsean India Free Trade Area ( Aifta )1337 Words  | 6 Pages ASEAN-India Free Trade Area (AIFTA) In this paper, I shall provide you with important and detailed information, entailing who ASEAN-India is, how ASEAN-India was founded, why there was a need for ASEAN-India, and what type of business conducted, along with its contributing countries. This paper will further discuss each agreement that was signed into effect, to include The Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation, The Trade in Goods Agreement, Trade in Services Agreement, and theRead Morehuman resource961 Words  | 4 Pages Which of the following is true of the CFTA? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Slavery During The American Colonies Essay - 1537 Words
Slavery in the American colonies had greatly shaped the nation as we know it to be today. After the discovery of the New World, Spanish conquerors intended to enslave Native Americans, but punishment, overwork, and diseases such as small pox and malaria decreased their population rapidly. The only solution was to kidnap African Americans from their homeland and transport them on ships under poor, unsanitary conditions, many of which died of yellow fever, dysentery, or suicide. Upon arrival, they were fed and oiled to make them more physically attractive so they can be purchased by wealthy landowners who forced them into labor. Here, plantation owners assigned task for each individual slave, working long hours in the field harvesting crops. At first, these African Americans held the status of indentured servitude, but as the demand for labor grew increasingly, treatment became much harsher. Additionally, African Americans were outnumbering plantation owners, and as a result, the y were stripped of their freedom in fear of revolts. Although slaves have little to no rights, they played an important role in developing the economy despite experiencing racial discrimination. Slavery in the American colonies heavily impacted the successful American economy. When Spanish conquistadors arrived and settled the vast new land, they did not intend to do any work themselves so the solution was to import slaves from Africa. And so, in the 1500s, â€Å"slave trading would proveShow MoreRelatedThe American Revolution And Its Effect On American History1537 Words  | 7 PagesThe American Revolution began in 1775. Due to the Revolution 1775 proved to be one of the most productive years in American history. The American Revolution caused great changes in the original thirteen colonies that helped mold the United States into what it is today. 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Personal Wellness Paper free essay sample
Personal Wellness Project I decided to choose stress reduction for my personal wellness project. I chose this topic because it hits home base extremely hard. I want to definitely reduce my stress intake and be able to cope with challenging situations. I want to be at least eighty percent in control of my life. I find myself getting stressed when unexpected things happen, and I am not prepared for it. I also want to improve my way of handling circumstances which make me stress. Reducing my stress will make me a better person as a whole. When I reduce my stress level, it may lengthen my life by _____ years. I will also be able to function in an everyday atmosphere that requires me to have a clear head. My attitude will be more pleasing and I will become extra attractive. Stress reduction will help in many ways, as mentioned above. Therefore, less stress, makes me live a healthier life. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Wellness Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When my stress level is reduced, I can take care and groom myself properly. I feel this behavior change is significant to me because of the environment I am in. At this moment right now, I am a student, worker, and tenant. I have many obligations, and if I am stressed, things will not flow right. I know I would not be able to organize and function what so ever. Being less stress might even bring along important people into my life. No one likes to be around someone who is steaming and on the edge on the time. When I am in control and calm, I can enjoy the simple things in life. Some strategies known to help with reducing stress is exercising. Exercising helps release endorphins, which improves moods and their overall wellness.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Mills Utilitarianism Analysis free essay sample
Thesis: Objectors of Utilitarianism states that there is no time for calculating and weighing the effects on utilizing the general happiness. On the contrary, Mill says that mankind has been learning by experience the tendency of actions in order to know what is right and wrong. The rules of morality is improvable, therefore we should pass all that experience on others. However, improving the rules of morality is one thing, but to educate it to the younger is another; since there is still much to learn about the effects of actions on general happiness, and all rational people go through life with their minds made up on the common questions of right and wrong. Reasons: 1. Philosopher and the human: They have to acquire experience about the effects of some actions on their happiness and improving it or at least maintain it. . Traveler: Mill uses the traveler going for his destination as for if a man needs to follow the rules of general happiness, we should open the way and direct him to the knowledge, and not to forbid it. We will write a custom essay sample on Mills Utilitarianism Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 3. Sailors: They go to sea with it calculated on the Nautical Almanac. Therefore, as for the people, they go on the sea of life with a made up mind on the common questions of right and wrong, and more complicated questions of wise and foolish. Discussion: Mill’s defend against the objectors of Utilitarianism is that the rules of general happiness are made up by the experience of the people. Also, it is improvable by teaching it to the younger and other people. But, he also argues that human are rational creature. Human are capable of answering the questions of right and wrongness by their own experience, and they also capable of learning and experiencing more on their way of life.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Rotana Strategic Human Resource Management Report
Rotana Strategic Human Resource Management Report Executive Summary Human resource is a solitary basis of competitive benefit and is mostly significant in the competitive milieu, which is advancing quickly. By way of facilitating the growth of particular firm capabilities, human resource might contribute to the continued firm’s competitive benefit.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Rotana Strategic Human Resource Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Indeed, the formation of the links amid practicing human resource strategy, and the general business deliberate goals is the main concern of Rotana strategic human resource administration. The Rotana HR executives are capable of planning programmes because of the relationship between them and the organization employees. This will give rise to the accomplishment of the improved operational outcomes accruing from greater presentation in the corporation. In this context, it is possible to delineate the tactical human resource administration after accentuating the significance of human resources as a basis of competitive benefit. Introduction The businesses environs are swiftly changing to bring some variations characterized by specific economic phenomena. Among these phenomena, there are product marketplace rivalries that are continually cumulative, changing financier and consumer demands, as well as globalization. Thus, most organizations including Rotana necessitate for frequent development in performance to compete effectively in this competitive market setting. Actually, market presentation can be upgraded through improving the swiftness and efficiency in flea market, innovative procedures and products, increasing quality, and decreasing the costs of manufactured goods. The present day firms recognize human resource personnel as the utmost essential sources in the corporations’ structural composition. Several other sources of competitive advantage are becoming less powerful as they were initially. This accrues from the increasing significance attached to the employees, and the manner in which competitive advantage is executed by organizations.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To think through policy and human resource administrative issues for the growth of diverse HR reference framework, it is essential to be aware that there is a change in the source of competitive gain (Becker and Huselid 899). In fact, the provision of competitive gain can still be realized via economies of scale, protected bazaars, technological procedures, and products, which exist as the traditional basis for success. However, for the sustainability of organizations like Rotana, the HR administration remains a vital aspect. The function of human resource administration materializes to be moving up the chain of command. This is in line with the understanding that o rganizations find human resources very important. This paper highlights and discuses the significances of HR management and the manner in which these practices add value in an organization (Bjà ¶rkman and Lervik 325). Strategic Human Resource Management The acquisition as well as retention of well-motivated, dedicated, and experienced labor force is the main intention of the human resource administration in an organization. In fact, this brings about strides in developing and enhancing individuals’ intrinsic aptitudes besides assessing and satisfying their future wants. Moreover, the delivery of endless growth and learning opportunities support their employability, potential, and involvement (Boxall 267). The business requirements related to training and management development actions, selection, and staffing structural processes are also involved. Conversely, a fresh relative change in the meadow of human resource administration is represented with SHRM. Concerning the firm ’s presentation, the schemes of human resource administration play a significant role as far as strategic human resource management is concerned. These systems emphasizes mainly on the orientation of human resource as a way of attaining competitive benefit. Therefore, a number of organizations are familiarizing themselves with practices and strategies of human resource. This awareness generally augments the monetary, quality, and output presentations in dissimilar organizational departments (Ahmad and Schroeder 21). The strategic retention and separation of employees as well as the type of turnover and retention usually depend on various factors (see the diagrams in the appendix).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Rotana Strategic Human Resource Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More HR as a competitive benefit source Porter Michael placed the notion of competitive benefit into the difference of opinion. Competitive advantage ascends on or after the formation of consumers’ worth as Michael emphasizes. Such products and services are observed as being inimitable according to the industry thus emphasizes on viewing a specific product souk or purchaser group. Organizations like Rotana can then employ several outlines of nonspecific policies including focus, differentiation, and cost leadership to achieve competitive benefit. Essentially, the organizational presentation is affected by the ecological determining factors as stipulated in the extensively accepted Porter’s opinion (Batt 541). Conversely, the firms’ source of competitive benefit mainly lies in the application of respected package resources during the disposal of the firm as specified in the organizational resource-based outlook. The relations amid firm’s presentation, policies, and internal resources make the advantage derived from competition to differ. It differs from the strategic administration paradigm that focuses on environs according to this viewpoint. Through facilitating particular firm growth of capabilities, schemes of human resource according to resource-based viewpoint contributes to continued competitive benefit. To gain a competitive benefit, the inimitable competencies for administering human resource have attribute from the continued superior presentation in several corporations. However, this might contribute to disadvantaged competition and susceptibility supposed the schemes of human resource destroys the present and/or inhibit the growth of fresh capabilities (Becker and Huselid 900). The output of labor force is the fundamental in aspect of a healthy economy and lucrative corporation. It is essential for human resource to identify why triumph can readily not be imitated, but continued by rivals.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, success developing from effective administration of people in an organization is frequently not transparent or detectable as the basis. Certainly, the soft flank of business is laid off occasionally that it might be elaborated through culture and the way people are oriented as well as the effects of this on their skills and manners (Boxall 267). The way individuals are coped frequently fits in a system hence it is hard to understand the dynamic forces of a corporation and how it functions even when there is no dismissal (see diagrams in appendix). Hence, it is problematic copying much stuff but then it is again easy to copy one thing. For the corporation to sustain and achieve competitive benefit, the human resource management needs to accomplish several objectives. The company must gain the peoples’ commitment to the standards and missions of the organization. Secondly, the corporation must strive to encourage enthusiastic commitment to organizational functions (Cab rera and Bonache 54). For the business triumph, remuneration, appraisal, and inspiration of workers’ manners, the firm needs to describe the desired behaviors. Moreover, the organization necessitates taking strides to improve and obtain intellectual capital through recognizing the knowledge desirable for consumer satisfaction and meet the set objectives. Lastly, the organization by augmenting skills and aligning the aptitude to administrative objectives, it must invest in people through the reinforcement and introduction of education procedures to gain and sustain competitive advantage (Boxall 268). Therefore, it is significant to comprehend the relationship amid business policy and human resource administration to realize all these objectives. How strategic management add value to the Rotana chain of hotels Researches indicate that the current labor market is more competitive and getting the right employee with the right skills is not easy. The greatest challenge organizatio n faces not only Rotana but also equally corporations or firms in the industry, is how to make potential employees acknowledge that the organization is the best place to work. In addition, the organization human resources management faces difficulties in bringing the best interviewee through appointment and employment process. However, the organization ensures that its best employees are retained by ensuring that they understand the firm’s goals and are committed to attain those goals (Ahmad and Schroeder 21). Besides, the company retains its best employees through motivation and providing a friendly work environment as well as structures that enable employees to give their full potential. The organization acknowledges the importance of effective management of human resources in the current swiftly and exceedingly competitive environment. The human resources department fully understands that effective discovery and management of the employees are critical to the success of th e organization. The organization top management understands that infusing the right mind-set and conduct in employees is the only way through which the organization can lead in the market place. Management can add value when they help junior employees attain the organization as well as personal goals (Arthur and Boyles 78). It is about what the employees and the organization gains from the human resources policies that have been put in place. In essence, the company human resources department will not pursue and encourage activities that do not add value to the success of the company. In other words, the human resources pursues its value propositions, which are practices that produce positive results for the company key stakeholders including employees, customers, line managers and shareholders. In Rotana, managing human resources is understood as an activity that contributes positive value to the key stakeholders (Boswell 1490). The organization human resources management has moved from supervisory tasks and operation administration to strategic function in order to contribute positively to the organization results. Managing diversity in employees The company HR has succeeded because it has taken into consideration work place diversity. In this context, work place diversity refers to the ways through which individual employees differ. Indeed work place diversity includes both organizational-related and personal attributes. The human resources management has ensured that each individual cultural values and attributes are harnessed with the organizational goals. This has enabled the company to produce superior problem solving strategies, ensured creativity among employees and increased quality decision-making (Aryee 237). This has translated into improved services to the company clients as well as increased market share. Appropriate management of workplace diversity has resulted into increased competitive advantage to the firm. The company human resources have also undertaken proactive diversity management strategies in its employee management to add value to the outcomes of the individuals. In fact, strategies that the company has undertaken to improve individual outcome and job satisfaction have contributed hugely to the organization. The strong foundation in values such as equity, respect, and fairness has helped the company to tap into the values of diversity (Carmeli and Schaubroeck 392). Improvements in individual successes have trickled down to the group processes and outcomes that in effect have benefitted the company. Recommendations The HR department should add more value to the company by encouraging innovativeness in employees as well as implementing innovations. In addition, the HR department should prioritize the improvement of the overall company productivity. Moreover, there should be a genuine partnership between the department and line managers. This partnership should be aimed at dealing with low morale of employees, wh ich in effect have negative impact on the competitive success of the company. Besides, the HR department of the company should focus on the cost reduction strategies as well as tapping into the expertise and technology to improve human resources services. Cost reductions will in turn free more resources that can be used to sustain and realize the general business strategies. Generally, the human resources sector ought to introduce programs that will advance the productivity of the recruits, efficiency, and fulfillment. In essence, the company value should be added through the pursuit of aggressive goals, developing and implementing innovation productivity, creation of more products and services that are new as well as applications and ideas. Moreover, the company should become customer oriented, helping customers attain their needs and goals, as well as linking the human resources plans with the needs of the customers. In addition, Human resources management should add more value to the company by ensuring that the right qualification and caliber of existing employees are maintained. In additions, the employees’ skills and qualifications, job descriptions and profiles should much the job roles. Additionally, the HR division ought to make certain that the recruits guidelines and measures are without fail adhered to all over the corporation. The HR must also ensure that the staff ratios are in line with the projected costs of the project. This will make certain that the corporation utilizes simply the precise number of recruits it necessitates and in unison retains the corporations’ profitability limits, which give rise to continuous practicability of the corporation. The HR unit ought to make certain that the in-house workforce shifts are accomplished well and in a reasonable style. For instance, the employee selection and promotion is done equitably and fairly using similar criteria. This guarantees that the exact groups are appointed and are end orsed to hold higher positions, which consecutively boosts the efficacy in task accomplishments and amplified competence in delivering the assigned tasks. Mode of payment should also be based on the modes that enhance fairness and equitability. The remunerations base should be reviewed on a yearly basis taking into considerations the state of the economy, skills, and positions among other factors. Conclusion Strategic human resources management provides tools that the organization can use to leverage the employees value as well as other stakeholders to improve their performance. One of the tools is effective diversity management. Productive diversity management of employees forms the foundations for managing employees, which underpins the competitive advantage in the international market place. In many ways, managing diversity improves the firms’ decision-making process and increases the level of competitiveness in the global markets. In fact, through strategic management of Rotana human resources, the firm will be able to make workforces potentially aware that the organization is the best workplace. For instance, strategic human resource management will enable Rotana to attract only the unsurpassed applicants via the hiring and recruitment processes besides having the capacity to retain a significant portion of the employees (see appendix). When Rotana successfully manages the human resources, the employees might be able to understand the corporation’s goals and remain committed towards accomplishing them. However, this can only be realized through the provision of structures and environment that motivates the employees to offer the best services. Thus, in the current vastly aggressive and swiftly varying marketplace setting, the premeditated tasks played by the corporation’s human resources aid in ensuring the malfunction or sensation of a business. Ahmad, Sohel, and Schroeder, Roger. â€Å"The Impact of Human Resource Management Pract ices on Operational Performance: Recognizing Country and Industry Differences.†Journal of Operations Management, 21.1 (2003): 19−43. Print. Arthur, Jeffrey, and Boyles Trish. â€Å"Validating the Human Resource System Structure: A Levels-Based Strategic HRM Approach.†Human Resource Management Review, 17.1 (2007): 77−92. Print. Aryee, Samuel. â€Å"Developing and Leveraging Human Capital Resource to Promote Service Quality: Testing a Theory of Performance.†Journal of Management January, 23.1 (2013): 234-256. Print. 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Cabrera, Elizabeth, and Bonache, Jaime. â€Å"An Expert HR System for Aligning Organizational Culture and Strategy.†Human Resource Planning, 22.1 (1999): 51−60. Print. Carmeli, Abraham, and Schaubroeck, John. How Leveraging Human Resource Capital with its Competitive Distinctiveness Enhances the Performance of Commercial and Public Organizations. Human Resource Management, 44.4 (2005): 391−412. Print. Appen dix Strategic Retention and Separation of Employee Type of Employee turnover + Retention
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Background market and strategies of the nissin group business essay
Background market and strategies of the nissin group business essay Through the evaluation of the background, market situation and business strategies of Nissin Group, this paper provides the explanation on why Nissin instant noodles have achieved a fast development performance in the instant noodles business in Hong Kong The study of Five Forces and PESTEL analyses will lead to the understanding on how the macro-environment and micro-environment affect Nissin performance its business direction and strategy. A further study of the results from the perspective of an internal competence analysis to the results from the Five Forces and PESTEL will identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Nissin. These findings will then tell Nissin of what needs to be minimized, eliminated, and to reduce or neutralize risks. All these findings will add up the reasons to justify how Nissin sustains its market leader position in Hong Kong. Suggestions on improvement and implementation of corporate strategy will also be elaborated. 1o. Introduction Intrepid Japanese entrepreneur named Momofoku Ando established Nissin Foods around the middle of the 20th century with the name Chukosasa Co., Ltd. Foreseeing that Japanese society was being economically and socially reengineered toward production speed and efficiency, he also sought to reengineer the Japanese diet in response. His answer to the requisite of speed exerted and demanded of the modern Japanese was simple – the instant noodle. The invention revolutionized the food industry not only in Japan but also throughout the world. Now Nissin Foods, produce not only instant ramen noodles but also fresh and pre-packaged frozen food, and meals-ready-to-eat including cereals and spaghetti. But noodles remained the primary product draw. Mr. Ando stayed ahead of the competitive pack with remarkable innovations. In 1963, he introduced into the market the ramen Yakisoba, which had a separate flavoring packet. A decade later, Momofoku Ando invented cup noodles and in 1984, Nissin Foods established in Hong Kong (Nissin Foods Holdings, 2010). What has been Nissin’s strategy to address the various forces acting upon the instant food industry? How valid and viable would this strategy still be in an age of high technology and rapid global integration? And now, lets start to know the direct key stakeholders in Hong Kong. Management of Nissin – The Management receives strong support from Parent company who has made the sustainability much easier for a stronger market share. Staff of Nissin – They are the executors of the business. Staff would be happy to work for Nissin if the business is stable and with continuous growth. Hong Kong consumers – the market share is large amongst the younger generations and white collars as they accept new trendy food, especially from Japan. Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) of Hong Kong Government – the Government has to control the types of incoming food products for consumption, as a statutory body, FEHD will govern the quality of food items importing to Hong Kong. Hong Kong Consumer Council – it regulates the selling of consumer goods to the public in a fair trade practice. By supports of academic references, there will be a careful analysis of macro-environment and micro-environment undertaken by using Five Forces and PESTAL, plus a review of the internal analysis by strategic capabilities. The outcomes from external and internal environment analyses will be combined in a SWOT analysis. From the results of this analysis conclusion on overall business strategy, some improvement or implementation can be drawn through the methods of Porter’s Generic Strategies, Ansoff’s matrix and organic method.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
The impact of digital technologies on young children's learning in Research Proposal
The impact of digital technologies on young children's learning in Saudi kindergartens - Research Proposal Example Morrow and Smith (2000, p. 201) asserted that understanding and explaining a phenomenon as the main purpose for any qualitative research. On the other hand, Cho & Trent (2006, p. 320) defined qualitative research as a systematic procedure of comprehension that is based on different conventional methods of inquiry that seek to explain a human or social problem. In addition, it enables a researcher carry out an investigation in a natural setting and be able to develop a complex and holistic picture of a social problem. Thus, the use of qualitative research enabled the researcher to study the impact of digital technologies on young childrens learning in Saudi kindergartens because the kindergarten institutions were located in a natural set up. Castaneda, Rakhsha and Morrow (2001, p. 578) observed that qualitative research is ideal in investigating issues that have a multicultural dimensions such as the study under question. The main research question that this study is aimed to answer is, what is the impact of digital technologies on young childrens learning in Saudi kindergartens? The study will also address the following research subsections: In the contemporary society, almost each and every service offered by both the public and private sectors have become digitized and automated (Quinn, Doorley & Paquette, 2013, p. 1). Quinn et al. (2013, p. 7) pointed out that because of the rapid change in technological advancements in the modern day, businesses and organizations have had to change their tactics in the market by utilizing digital technologies in their organizational structure and provision of services in order to remain relevant in the highly competitive global market. Governments around the world have also recognized the significance of the various digital technologies in maintaining a sustainable economy (Australian
Saturday, February 1, 2020
A Bronx Tale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A Bronx Tale - Essay Example As the young man enters high school he is attracted to an African American girl, Jane, who causes conflict both internally and externally for him as he deals with peer pressure, personal angst, and family expectations. The 1960’s was a time of change for racial issues in America. Their where appeals by African American leaders protesting segregation in the United States and the role and status of the black community was transforming. This film is set in the thickest era of the racial segregation issue within the country. In the city of New Jersey there was a heavy population of Italian/Americans that lived alongside African Americans and the constant threat of violent encounters kept tensions high within both communities. African Americans were fighting for their right to vote and to end segregation and in the midst of it all a common paranoia was that anyone who seemed to be of white decent was a threat. This would explain why in the movie there were times where upon immediat e contact there were unavoidable confrontations. African Americans were often subjected to lower positions when they were employed. This would explain the next scene described. The first African American shown in the film is a black bartender at the neighborhood pub which the gangsters frequent. This depiction of an African American in a service position is accurate and represents the lower societal classification of African Americans in the United States in the1960s. The film’s next portrayal of African Americans is a segregated school bus driving through the Italian neighborhood. One Italian boy says, â€Å"They don’t live here.†Another Italian boy says, â€Å"That’s how it starts.†The neighborhood boys taunt and yell at the bus passengers, inciting one African American boy on the bus to make an obscene gesture at the neighborhood boys. This portrayal reveals the territorial nature of segregation as well as the lack of respect and understanding among different ethnicities. It also shows that the prejudices were mutually held, however the African American prejudice against Caucasians was probably in response to the Caucasians’ initial prejudice which was rooted in slavery. This theme of divisiveness is reinforced in a later scene when the teenage Calogero walks the African American girl home but stops before crossing into the African American neighborhood, a block from her actual house. The reason that Calogero stopped was another example of the lines in the sand that were drawn to keep the two communities separate. Some African American males yell at the Sicilian boy and one African American young man throws a rock at his back as he walks away. When several African American boys peacefully ride their bicycles through the Italian neighborhood the group of Italian boys attacks them. While Calogero abstains from participating, he suffers though guilt by association and is accused of wrong doing by Jane, whose brother was one of the boys who was attacked. Later the group of Italian boy’s fire shots and hurl fire bombs at an African American drugstore where several African Americans are gathered. One fire bomb is hurled back at them and ignites the car into an explosion, killing all of them. The film’s violent portrayal of racism during this era is accurate. The unease and distrust between different races of people was heightened by the general malice and mistrust of the American government and the leaders’ decision-making abilities. The need to belong and be accepted by one’s peers was greater during this time of uncertainty and change. Inter-racial relationships were uncommon and disapproved of. This again showed the power that racism had over the people of the United States at the time. There is
Friday, January 24, 2020
capital punishment :: essays research papers
It is unreasonable to think that to take the life of a man who has taken that of another is to show lack of regard for human life. We show, on the contrary, an emphatic regard for it, by the adoption of a rule that he who violates that right in another forfeits it for himself. My agreement with these, the words of philosopher John Stuart Mill, compels me to affirm today’s resolution, that capital punishment is justified. My value premise for the round will be justice, giving each individual his or her due. My value criterion is societal benefit without infringing on individual rights. -I feel it is necessary to observe, before I begin, that while I feel the death penalty is just, it is only just as punishment for certain crimes. However, If I can prove the justice of the death penalty as a punishment for one specific crime, It would affirm the resolution. In this round, I will attempt to prove that the death penalty is a just punishment for first degree, premeditated murder. (Serial murderers) -Contention #1: by murdering another, criminal’s forfeits their right to life. The system of punishment is based on taking away the liberties of convicted criminals. In committing a crime, an individual gives up certain rights, and it is because of this forfeiture of rights that we can impose punishment upon them. The amount of rights forfeited is in some manner proportional to the severity of the crime for which the individual was convicted. If someone commits a minor crime, such as littering, they lose a small amount of right. Therefore it is justified to take from them a small amount of their liberty, possibly economic liberty through a fine. As the severity of the crime increases, the amount of right forfeited increases likewise. In other words, if I kill a woman, I am being unjust because I am doing to her what I would not have her do to me. I am expressing that we are not equals, and that I am her superior. By demonstrating that I have lost my right to life, the government reaffirms that the two of us are in fact equal. By demonstrating that we are equal, the state upholds justice. Immanuel Kant explains the position, arguing: â€Å"If he has committed murder, he must die. Here there is no substitute that will satisfy justice. There is no similarity between life, however wretched it may be, and death, hence no likeness between the crime and the retribution unless death is judicially carried out upon the wrongdoer†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Metaphysics of Moral)
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Stroke Epidemiology In Southwestern Iran Health And Social Care Essay
Introduction:Harmonizing to the World Health Organization definition, shot is the rapid patterned advance of marks and symptoms caused by bound or widespread break of encephalon map which has vascular beginning and takes more than 24 hours ( 1, 2 ) . Stroke can be by and large divided into two classs: Ischemic and hemorrhagic ( 1 ) . The disease is the 2nd prima cause of decease in the universe and considered as the 3rd in the United States and other industrialised states ( 3-8 ) . 55 million deceases occur each twelvemonth in the universe where 10 % of them are due to stroke ( 9 ) . In the United States about 780,000 shots occur each twelvemonth ( one every 40 seconds ) while 87 % is ischaemic and 13 % is haemorrhagic type. Annual mortality of the disease in this state is 150,000 people ( one out of every 4-3 proceedingss ) so it is estimated that one out of every 16 Americans die due to stroke ( 9 ) . In aˆâ€ ¹aˆâ€ ¹the Middle East and North Africa deceases happening within 28 yearss of the morbid varies from 10 % in Kuwait to 31/5 % in Iran ( 4 ) . This disease, which two-thirds of all instances of it occurs in developing states, although preventable but is increasing ( 12, 13 ) . Prognosiss suggest that by 2030 deceases from shot will duplicate in the Middle East and North Africa ( 4 ) . Increasing age is such major hazard factor for the disease that after age 55, the hazard of shot doubles every 10 old ages ( 7 ) . High blood force per unit area as the most common preventable causes of the disease is an other hazard factor ( 11 ) . Other hazard factors include: diabetes, smoke, fleshiness, deficiency of exercising, eating a diet high in cholesterin and salt, intoxicant, atrial fibrillation, and household history of OCP usage ( 7, 11, 14, 15 ) . In add-on gender is deciding factor in this disease ; In general shot is more likely to happen in work forces However, du e to the longer life anticipation of adult females on one manus and the high incidence of shot in older ages in the other manus, the figure of instances in adult females is more than in work forces ( 16 ) . Another note is that shot as the most of import factor for physical disablement in the universe, is one of the chief factors need long-run infirmary attention which led to a important addition in the cost of intervention ( 7, 8 ) . In general, the direct and indirect costs ( including old ages of lost benefits ) related to the disease in the United States is about 5.65 billion yearly ( 17 ) . Consequences from few surveies in Iran shows incidence of shot about 43 instances per 100,000 people that 67 % is ischaemic and 23 % is haemorrhagic type ( 18, 19 ) . The most common hazard factor which has been achieved is high blood force per unit area with prevalence about 54 % ( 18, 19 ) . Incidence of shot was somewhat higher in adult females in all age classs ( 51-53 % ) However, in the age group 45-15 old ages occurs more in work forces ; while the mean age of incidence is in the 7th decennary of life. Death within 28 yearss of shot in a survey was 19.2 % , and in another 1 was 31.5 % ( 18 ) . Another survey refers to the unknown state of affairs of this disease in the Middle East and mismatch with informations in Western states ( 1 ) that one time once more makes clear the demand for more surveies in this respect. The lone survey conducted in Shiraz investigates early encephalon bleeding due to high blood force per unit area in patients referred to Shiraz University of Medical Sciences infirmaries during 2002-2004 ( 20 ) . Sing the preventable nature of the disease, it is necessary to make more surveies to find hazard factors and implicit in causes in a peculiar population in order to Sketch and be after for the bar of it ( 18 ) . Sing that no epidemiological survey have been conducted to clear up assorted facets of shot in Shiraz since earlier, this survey was conducted in Shiraz Namazee learning Hospital as a referral centre for shot patients in Fars state and southwesterly Iran to obtain general information about the position of the disease in this part.Material and Method:We conducted this hospital-based survey between August 2010 and January 2011 in Shiraz Namazee learning infirmary. This infirmary is one of the chief referral centres for neurological diseases in southwesterly Iran and affiliated with the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. As this survey was a cross-sectional one, all patients admitted in exigency and neurology ward with diagnosing of shot based on their clinical manifestations and imaging ( MRI or CT scan ) during this period were included. Patients with transeunt ischaemic onslaught and those who released by themselves during hospital coarse were excluded. Three medica l pupils with supervising and part of one neurology occupant completed the informations assemblage sheet by reading patient paperss during and after study period. It contains the most of import informations about these patients including age, sex, type of shot, drug history, hazard factors, degree of consciousness, neurologic marks, continuance of hospitalization, result and prescribed medicines after discharge. We analyzed our informations with SPSS version 16 and considered P-Value less than 0.05 important.Consequences:305 CVA patients were investigated that 269 ( 88.2 % ) had ischaemic and 36 ( 11.8 % ) had hemorrhagic shot. 64 ( 21 % ) had recurrent stroke while others experienced their first of all time shot. 133 ( 43.6 % ) adult male and 172 ( 56.4 % ) adult female between 27- 97 old ages old ( mean:68.33 ±12.99 ) were classified to six age groups that most of them were between 61-80 old ages old, although informations analysis did n't uncover important difference between mortality rates ( Table 1 ) . Average age of ischaemic shot was 68.6 ±13.1 and hemorrhagic was 66.2 ±12.1. 15.1 % of all patients expired during their hospital coarse while 11.4 % of ischaemic and 40.6 % of haemorrhagic shots lead to decease ( OR:5.34, 95 % C.I. :2.35-12.11 ) . Most common hazard factors among all patients were high blood pressure and ischaemic bosom disease ( figure 1 ) . Hyperlipidemia, ischaemic bosom disease and diabetes had important different prevalence between age groups in a manner that their most prevalence were between 41-50, above 60 and between 41-60 old ages old, severally ( figure 2 ) . In another categorization we categorized the patients into two groups: under and above 45 old ages old. 5 % were under 45 and 95 % were above 45 old ages old. CVA type and mortality rate was non significantly different between these two groups. Most common neurologic marks of patients were right side failing, left side failing and dysarthria ( figure 3 ) . In facet of degree of consciousness, 6.3 % were comatose, 7.2 % Stuporous, 22 % confused and 64.5 % were witting that 78.6 % , 31.3 % , 16.3 % and 5.6 % of them expired during their hospital coarse severally ( figure 4 ) . Mean systolic blood force per unit area in dismissed patients was 148.2mmHg and in expired patients was 144.7mmHg. Besides mean diastolic blood force per unit area in dismissed and expired patients was 84.5mmHg and 86.6mmHg severally. Mean systolic blood force per unit area in ischaemic shots was 145mmHg and in haemorrhagic shots was 160mmHg ( P=0.006 ) . Besides mean diastolic blood force per unit area in ischaemic shots and haemorrhagic 1s was 83mmHg and 90mmHg severally ( P=0.013 ) . Most common drugs used among patients was antihypertensive drugs ( 43.3 % ) and acetylsalicylic acid ( 26.9 % ) . Statins ( 32.7 % ) and acetylsalicylic acid ( 31.6 % ) were most common drugs prescribed for ischaemic patients who were discharged. Median yearss of hospitalization for both types of shot and both discharged and expired patients was 2.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Women and Love In Chaucer - 1988 Words
Women and Love In Chaucer Chaucers opinion of women and his views on love are very prominently featured in his poetry. Focusing on women, one must first examine the popular views concerning women during Chaucers time. Arlyn Diamond writes of Chaucer that, . . . he accepts uneasily the medieval view of women as either better or worse than men, but never quite the same. (Green 3) This is evident in Chaucers portrayal of women in such poems as The Wife of Bath and The Clerks Tale which assault the reader with antithetical views of women. The Wife of Bath is one of the most memorable characters Chaucer ever created. She is considered, in view of Diamonds statement, to be better than the men in her life. Patient Griselda†¦show more content†¦He gives the choice back to her affirming that he now understands women. The reader can devise two key points from the tale. Primarily, Chaucer portrays a kind of pity for women in his writing. The rape at the start, a common occurrence at the time, is dealt with swif tly and with compassion for the victim; a rare occurrence at the time. Secondly he expresses his desire for equality between the sexes. He does this by showing the consequences that transpire when one sex has control over the other. The Wife of Baths Tale is an example of female dominance. Chaucers ideal of equality is more clearly seen after analyzing The Clerks Tale. This tale is completely antithetical to that of the Wife of Bath. Where her tale focuses on the dominance of women over men this one is dedicated to exposing the subservience of the medieval woman. The clerk tells a tale of a peasant woman, Griselda, who marries a nobleman, Walter. He devises cruel ordeals to put her through in order to test her loyalty. She is led to believe that her children are taken away and murdered. Walter rejects her, and apparently substitutes her with a younger, more beautiful woman. This is a cause of suffering for both women. Griselda is forced to stand aside while her children are torn away from her to be killed, and she is pushed away by her husband who replaces her quickly. Her replacement, actually her twelve-year-old daughter, is also caused suffering due to her situation. She has beenShow MoreRelatedCourtly Love in The Knights Tale and The Wife of Baths Tale1353 Words  | 6 Pagescourtly love, which began in the Medieval Period and still exi sts today. While these ideals were prevalent in medieval society, they still existed with much controversy. Geoffrey Chaucer, a poet of the period, comments on courtly love in his work The Canterbury Tales. Through the use of satiric elements and skilled mockery, Chaucer creates a work that not only brought courtly love to the forefront of medieval society but also introduced feministic ideals to the medieval society. At times, Chaucer evenRead MoreThe Wife Of Bath s Tale By Geoffrey Chaucer And Le Morte D Arthur1133 Words  | 5 Pagesmaking men superior to women. Women were expected to please their husband and take care of the home. They were treated very unfairly compared to men. The stories, â€Å"The Wife of Bath’s Tale†by Geoffrey Chaucer and â€Å"Le Morte d’ Arthur†by Sir Thomas Malory reveal the values of society by adding satire and characterization. Chaucer incorporates satire in â€Å"The Wife of Bath’s Tale†to highlight the values of gender roles in society. Throughout the story, Chaucer demonstrates courtly love, sovereignty, andRead MoreSex in The Canterbury Tales Essay937 Words  | 4 Pages Geoffrey Chaucer uses sex as a manipulative instrument in The Canterbury Tales. Portraying sex as a power that women exert over men rather than the marital bond of â€Å"making love†makes evident Chaucer’s skewed views of love and marriage with underlying tones of misogyny. He expresses these views throughout the work, however, the theme of love and sex is most evident in the sub-stories of The Wife of Bath and The Miller’s Tale. Chaucer breaks the topic of sex into two basic parts: carnality and romanticismRead MoreEssay Immorality in Chaucers Canterbury Tales1646 Words  | 7 Pagesdisplay immorality in the Middle Ages. There are several characters whose stories are focused on presenting the immorality within their tales. Like that of â€Å"The Miller’s Tale,†and â€Å"The Merchant’s Tale.†Chaucer utilizes these tales to display one specific immoral act, which is sexual sin or lust. Chaucer addresses the seven deadly sins in his novel; The Canterbury Tales, lust can be highlighted in two major tales â€Å"The Miller’s Tale,†and â€Å"The Merchant’s Tale†which help display key elements of the immoralityRead MoreThe Changing Society of the Middle Ages in The Wife of Bath Essay1098 Words  | 5 Pagestime Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales, the world was changing rapidly. A new social mobility was granted, and the middle or working cl ass was created. Before this, women were ignored and often blamed for the plights of their society, and the new social mobility opened many new doors for women. Women, whom for years were starved for control and influence in their world, suddenly could exercise power over their husbands and other men. An example of these revolutionary women can be seenRead MoreMarriage In Chaucers The Canterbury Tales1709 Words  | 7 Pagesmediocre stance on marriage, yet his tale is somewhat favorable towards the idea. In The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer incorporates marriage multiple times into the tales, some positive and others negative. When Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales in the late fourteenth century, marriage was seen was an exchange of property between families. Due to this, men held all the power and women lost their sense of freedom since they were seen as nothing more than objects that could be given away. In thoseRead More Chaucers Canterbury Tales - Marriage as Portrayed in Merchants Prologue and Tale1193 Words  | 5 Pagesto come through, but also includes the opinions of contemporary writers. Chaucer allows his views to be made known as the narrator and his views could also be said to infiltrate the speeches of the Merchant. Justinus and Placebos views are also accounted for as the fictional characters also air their opinions on the institution of marriage. In this way, Chaucer has allowed for a fair deal of discussion of marriage. Chaucer places the character of Januarie in Pavia, which has a reputation for brothelsRead MoreWilliam Chaucer s The Cock And The Fox910 Words  | 4 PagesBefore the written language, stories were passed down through generations by oral communication. This often led to variations in similar fables that many authors would then write out. Robert Henryson, the successor to Geoffrey Chaucer, wrote a comparable version of Chaucer’s The Nun’s Priest’s Tale called The Cock and The Fox. Although there are vast comparisons such as elaborate language, bestiary, and similar character development, each tale uses a different main action, has separate social aspectsRead More Chaucers Women From Eve to Mary Essay1272 Words  | 6 PagesChaucers Women From Eve to Mary The Middle Ages was an interesting time to be a woman. For centuries the church generally disapproved of, with equal measure, women and sex. Women were not even thought of as human beings, and were seen as necessary only in what they could do for their men. When the men left for the Crusades women were given a larger role in the upkeep of their husbands’ houses and estates, and assumed a more public role in the community. This gave the women a greater feelingRead MoreThe Canterbury Tales832 Words  | 4 PagesIn The Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer, the stereotypes and roles in society are reexamined and made new through the characters in the book. Chaucer discusses different stereotypes and separates his characters from the social norm by giving them highly ironic and/or unusual characteristics. Specifically, in the stories of The Wife of Bath and The Miller’s Tale, Chaucer examines stereotypes of women and men and attempts to define their basic want s and needs. In the Miller’s Tale
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